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Ammonia Extract in Organic Farming: A New Perspective with Azogen

April 25, 2024

Ammonia Extract in Organic Farming: A New Perspective with Azogen

About Solugen Global

At Solugen Global, we are committed to producing high-quality OMRI-Listed nitrogen fertilizers using clean, innovative technologies. Our main product, Azogen, is a leading fast-absorbing ammoniacal nitrogen solution, specifically designed to enhance soil health and boost agricultural productivity sustainably. Dedicated to organic practices and global food security, we invite you to join our journey towards a greener future.

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Revolutionizing Organic Farming: The Power of Azogen 5-0-0

Revolutionizing Organic Farming: The Power of Azogen 5-0-0

Azogen 5-0-0 is revolutionizing the organic farming industry with its innovative approach to sustainable fertilization. As an OMRI-listed liquid bio-based fertilizer, it offers guaranteed 5% total nitrogen content derived entirely from manure. This product exemplifies the principles of the circular economy, utilizing a closed-loop system that efficiently extracts nitrogen from manure, turning a potential waste product into a valuable agricultural input.

Azogen 5-0-0 is revolutionizing the organic farming industry with its innovative approach to sustainable fertilization. As an OMRI-listed liquid bio-based fertilizer, it offers guaranteed 5% total nitrogen content derived entirely from manure. This product exemplifies the principles of the circular economy, utilizing a closed-loop system that efficiently extracts nitrogen from manure, turning a potential waste product into a valuable agricultural input.

The meticulous production process ensures Azogen is not only effective but also safe for use. Each batch is rigorously tested and certified pathogen-free, providing peace of mind to farmers regarding the health of their soil and crops. Its 100% water solubility and high content of ammoniacal nitrogen make Azogen particularly suited for organic farming practices, where the source and quality of inputs are of paramount importance.

What truly sets Azogen 5-0-0 apart is its unmatched versatility. It is designed to seamlessly integrate into a wide array of crops and nitrogen management strategies, making it a versatile tool in the organic farmer’s arsenal. Whether applied through foliar feeding, injected into various irrigation systems, used as a pre-plant or side-dress application, or banded along rows, Azogen 5-0-0 is adaptable to the specific needs of each farm and crop type.

Further enhancing its utility, Azogen 5-0-0 is designed to integrate effortlessly into more complex nutrition management programs, serving as a foundational nitrogen base. This compatibility extends to a wide range of agricultural products, including microbials, humic substances, micronutrients, biostimulants, and wetting agents, without the risk of suspended matter causing clogging or precipitation. This attribute ensures smooth operation within various application systems and maximizes the efficiency of nutrient delivery to crops. By fitting into a comprehensive nutrition strategy, Azogen 5-0-0 supports the holistic health and growth of crops, providing a robust foundation for organic farming success.

The ability of Azogen to provide 25-50% of a crop’s total nitrogen requirements is a testament to its efficiency and effectiveness. This innovative fertilizer delivers plant-available nitrogen precisely when and where your crop needs it most, enabling farmers to strategically apply nitrogen at critical growth stages. This targeted approach can significantly enhance crop yield, addressing one of the major challenges faced by organic farmers – the yield gap often observed between organic and conventional farming practices.

In essence, Azogen 5-0-0 is more than just a fertilizer; it’s a sustainable solution that supports the ethos of organic farming while delivering tangible benefits in terms of crop health, yield, and environmental sustainability. Its development and application mark a significant step forward in the pursuit of more sustainable and productive agricultural practices, making it a key player in the future of organic farming.

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